Anna Galeba


Aesthetic Medicine Doctor and Cosmetic Doctor


  • Cert. Aesthetic Medicine Doctor and Cert. Cosmetic Doctor (Poland – 2008 and USA – 2016, 2017)
  • 15 years of experience of Aesthetic Medicine; – Management in Health Care (2008)
  • International Aesthetic Trainer (trained more than 2,000 doctors of aesthetic and anti-aging medicine from Poland and abroad and about 500 cosmetologists from the basic of cosmetology)
  • More than 40 speeches at Medical Congresses in Poland and in the world (including World Aesthetic Medicine Congresses) – USA, South Africa, India, Malaysia, Italy, Brazil, Thailand
  • As a Participant, Workshop moderator, Chairman and President of the session at Congresses of Aesthetic Medicine in Poland and in the world
  • Author of tens publications in reputable medical journals (more than 45) and medical books (more than 10) in Poland and abroad (USA, India) about aesthetic and anti-aging medicine, dermatology and management in health care
  • Author of tens articles in lifestyle magazines about aesthetic and anti-aging medicine
  • As a Member of Editorial Board of several prestigious medical journals in Poland and abroad (USA, India)
  • As a Reviewer of prestigious medical journals in Poland and USA (even with Impact Factor Thomson Reuters)
  • As a Chairman – Poland Chapter of Anti Ageing Foundation – Society of Regenerative Aesthetic & Functional Medicine in India
  • As a Scientific and Medical Advisory Board Member in International Association of Stemcell and Regenerative Medicine (IASRM)
  • As a Scientist and Aesthetic Medicine Expert in DAPOU Pharma GmbH (German Pharmacist Company)
  • As a Scientist and Aesthetic Medicine Expert in KOZHYA (German Cosmetic Company)


Aesthetic medicine treatment might be good and bad. Be smart! Be a good aesthetic doctor!


Aesthetic medicine (cosmetic medicine) is a branch of medicine that deals with human’s health in terms of: external appearance, aesthetics, image, visible changes in the skin, well-being, and discomfort related to the quality of patient’s life. Aesthetic medicine deals with broadly understood health prophylaxis and dissemination of a healthy lifestyle. Thanks for aesthetic treatments (for example: chemical peels, needle mesotherapy, and laser therapy leading to bio-revitalization of the skin), the process of premature skin aging can be slow down. In addition, we can improve our appearance in accordance with canons of beauty prevailing today (treatments like: fillers, botulinum toxin etc). The combination of these methods is the right way to rebuild young and attractive look.

Requirements that the society or employers want from us, are forcing us to think how to stop-colloquially speaking-time? This of course cannot be done, however, aging processes can be largely «slowed» through adequate prevention, for example: do not smoke cigarettes; do not use tanning beds (solarium); use photo protection throughout the year; use an appropriate diet (without stimulants, with lots of fruits and vegetables); do sports; avoid stress; consume antioxidants (in the natural and artificial form, such as vitamins A, C, E, green tea, resveratrol, etc.); take advantage of the aesthetic medicine and anti-aging treatments. Aesthetic medicine doctor (cosmetic doctor) and cosmetic surgery are persons who not only physically changes the appearance of the patient but also has an impact on such person’s mental state and well-being, making it easier to accomplish their dreams. It is worth using aesthetic treatment from Aesthetic Doctor, who will appropriately select a treatment for our age and skin, for achieving the intended effect.

Aesthetic medicine treatment might be good and bad. It is mainly from the doctor depends on whether the patient will look good, natural and younger, or unfortunately patient will become a victim of aesthetic medicine. It is important to present a treatment plan and explain to the patient the mechanisms of action of aesthetic products (medical procedures) and to ensure that the patient does not use aesthetic treatments more often than is indicated.


1) The research was designed to collect and analyze information on patients using aesthetic medicine treatment

a) What is the reason to use aesthetic treatment?

b) Do after aesthetic treatments, the people changed attitude to you? c) Do you assess your present look to be more attractive than before aesthetic treatments?

2) What should the patient do, to slow down the process of premature skin aging?

3) It has been presented how to correct use aesthetic treatments in patients (make them look younger, natural and more attractive), and has been presented the wrong application of aesthetic medicine treatment (how should patients not be treated).


The research was performed on patients using aesthetic medicine treatments. For the study was randomly selected 603 patients of both sexes, aged 21 – 61 years, using the procedures: needle mesotherapy, chemical peels, fillers (with crosslinked hyaluronic acid) and botulinum toxin type A (injected for correction of wrinkles). In the speech I attached some photos from my own medical practice („before” and „after”) – aesthetic and health effects, which are possible to achieve after aesthetic treatment. I have shown the right and wrong way to carry out aesthetic treatments. I presented how patients should be treated and how shouldn’t.


  • The most common reason for patient who decide to do aesthetic treatments is look more attractive (86% of respondents).
  • The second reason (for 69% of respondents) is to look younger.
  • The least important reason were complexes associated with appearance (55%) and be more liberal in relation to other people (48% of respondents).
  • The vast majority (94%) of the patients saw improvement in their appearance after aesthetic treatments.
  • 41% of patients noticed improvement in ambient attitude to yourself after they benefited from the aesthetic medicine treatments.
  • Only 1% of respondents pointed to the deterioration of the environment settings, but keep in mind that this value is below the assumed error in estimation.


  • People (women, men) want to look attractive, natural, healthy and young;
  • Everybody can slow down the aging process of the skin, by correct prevention;
  • Aesthetic treatment is one of the ways to prevention the premature skin aging process
  • If patient is listening to the doctor and using aesthetic medicine treatment in good way, and is treated by good Aesthetic Doctor (doctor who can tell no for treatment and explain why is doing like this), patient will be look younger, more attractive and natural all time.
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